Lynda - The Best Thing to Ever Happen to Me

Monday, September 04, 2006

What does Labor Day celebrate? Taking time off? I guess, I don't know. But regardless, how can you not like a half-day followed by a three day weekend, then a four day work week. It's a blessing. But I am probably gonna be busy as hell. But at least I didn't have work. Lynda did. Cause she is a wonderful worker, and people fly a lot on this weekend.

She was off on Friday and was really mad at me for going home. It was her first night off that I had off in weeks, and I could've left the next morning and still had time to get done what I "needed" to get done.

She wasn't happy. Especially when I called her and told her that I was stuck in Connecticutt in horrible and completely expected Connecticutt. She wanted me to hang out with her and then drive up afterwards when the traffic didn't suck. But I said I was gonna leave right after work to get a head-start and she told me that wouldn't work, but I didn't listen, cause, if you ask her, "I never listen". I don't know what's she's talking about.


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